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"Leftover"-Gate Transcript

Aug 21, 2024

21 min read




Naya [N]: All right, hello everyone and welcome to the BTS Read podcast! This is your host Naya and I’m joined by…

Jo [J]: Hello everyone it’s Jo.

N: You probably know her from the last episode where we talked for like an hour and a half.

J: Sure did.

N: But, she’s back again. Also, if you don’t know, she’s my sister, and she’s been an ARMY for at least six years because we’re both — we got into them at the same time, right?

J: Late 2016 —

N: Yeah, so it’s going on 6 years.

J: No, it’s not. October 2016?

N: [silence]

J: You said ‘round the one’. [giggles]

N: [laughs] So it’s going on 6 years!

J: Is it really? No, it’s not —

N: 2022!?!

J: No… think of October 2016, so then October 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020… 2021… OH.


J: Oop… sorry. My bad. [laughs]


J: [laughs]

N: ANYWAYS… Before we get started, I just want to say happy New Year to everyone. I hope your New Year is going great so far. And yeah..

J: We’re off to a good start.. nothing bad has happened yet. Knock on wood.

N: So, I guess… well — we didn’t really have much planned to talk about today except for one thing people asked me to talk about which was — If you followed me on my past twitter account before I moved (again), I went on kind of a… rampage. [laughs]

J: Word vomit rampage… It was eloquently put —

N: Thanks!

J: But, it was still word vomit.

N: Well. The thing is I had already said I was moving accounts and I had bones to pick with people so I was gonna air it all out before I left that account… and that’s what I did. I don’t even know what prompted it to be honest [laughs] I feel like I blacked out. But, obviously — it was probably like Stray Kids fans or something. It had to be them now that I’m thinking about it because they are usually the ones running their mouths —

J: I think they are the only ones that could evoke this much rage out of you. [laughs]

N: Because I can’t stand them. I genuinely cannot stand them. Okay, let’s start all the way over before I get to the tweet that was the tweet heard around the world, let’s start with my relationship with Stray Kids. I don’t know much about them other than the fact their fans are quite literally the most… what’s the word… when they’re..

J: Delusional..

N: [snorts] No..

J: Annoying..

N: [laughs] Insufferable… I was going to say insufferable [laughs] That’s what I meant. No, because like you said, we were here for when the released ‘Hellavator’.

J: Yeah, their beginning music.

N: And I’m being quite honest with you, I didn’t like that song. So, from the jump I wasn’t really interested in them, but the thing about Stray Kids was the way their fans marketed them to get people into them. They used the “they’re the NEXT BTS” to market them to people —

J: They stood 10 toes down on that —

N: — to make them seem alluring. I remember distinctly them saying, “Actually, they’re better than BTS because they don’t have a problematic past, most of them can speak fluent English, etc.” —

J: As if that was supposed to be a drag.

N: They stood 10 toes down in that, and used it for YEARS. They used the “they’re the NEXT BTS” — something most boy groups and their fans do, but that’s for a reason ill talk about later… we know why they do that..

J: Also, their first official single — because ‘Hellavator’ was officially a debut — was a clear knock-off of ’N.O’.

N: Oop.

J: And ARMYs got into it with them then because we were like… are they not…? Because marketing-wise, JYP was like “they’re all about activism and speaking up for the youth, and that’s their main message and they fight back, etc.”. And I will say that they’ve kept that going, but that was a whole conversation between ARMYs and Stays in the beginning. Like, are we just going to act like they didn’t just steal their entire debut…? ARE WE JUST NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT THAT? And then you had Stays acting like they’re (Stray Kids) are the next BTS… or they’re just… Stray Kids…?

N: And it’s so funny because this is past the point of just Stray Kids, it’s for every fandom that does this every time a new groups debuts. In trying to make BTS seem not as important or not as influential, they do exactly that. They try to distance them by saying they’re the NEXT, but only further curse them. It literally always comes back to bite them in the ass.

J: They use BTS as this benchmark of their favs success and don’t realize that they have now pinned their favs success to… BTS. And then get confused when people are like they can’t do anything without BTS —

N: Being associated! [laughs]

J: But it’s like… if y’all had just kept it to yourselves.. we wouldn’t be in this situation.

N: But back to what I was saying, after ‘Hellavator’, their whole shtick was “they’re the next BTS, they’re better than BTS, son on and so forth, etc.”. And obviously, like JO said, ARMYs got into it with them then, because we were like “why do you even need to bring BTS up in order to get these boys some attention? Why do you need to do that?”. Now, mind you, this was also towards the beginning of BTS being super-duper popular, and people using their nam.

J: Wasn’t it 2017?

N: Yeah, it was around then. So, like, it obviously was them using BTS’ name, but it didn’t have the same type pf impact tying BTS’ name to a group does now. But still, it was just odd. Because it was like, why do you need to mention BTS in order for these boys to have a debut? Just let them debut and let them become whatever they are going to become. It shouldn’t even involve BTS, but whatever. So, after we went into it with them over that, I already didn’t like them. From jump I was just like okay… I don’t like y’all, but just… stay over THERE. And they did, to be honest, they did kind of just exist in their own realm until like…

J: 2019…

N: Yeah, until 2019. And its so funny because the rise in other fandoms always come with a mass exodus of ARMYs. And obviously, BTS gained a lot of fans to make up for that exodus, but there were still people who unstanned. That’s just a fact. And we see that now because they’re all in these other fandoms that won’t leave us the hell alone, but anyways… I’ll get into that later.

J: [laughs]

N: But, during BWL, a lot of people pretended to unstan — and I say ‘pretend’ because they still keep up with BTS —

J: Have them in their wrapped every year…

N: Yeah. You know what I mean.. they made the whole show of being like, ‘I can’t do this anymore. They only want to release pop, and we want REAL men. Not BOYS in PINK singing about LOVE!!”.

J: [laughs] The way I know exactly what tweet you’re talking about. She (the original poster) said, ‘THIS is the comeback’ —

N: She was talking about SuperM.

J: Oh yeah! She was like, ‘I wanna see CHAINS and BONDAGE!’ [laughs] And we were all like…. you’re not serious…

N: Oh, but they were. They were dead serious. And they’re still serious about it; the people who are mantis now, and the people who claim to still Stan the, but have an issue with everything they do especially concept-wise — all they want is for BTS to do the same shit all these other — these “”dark”” concepts that all these other by groups are doing. Thats all they’ve ever wanted from BTS, and they’re not going to be happy with anything else. Literally never. But, that’s beside the point. As there was a mass exodus from BTS’ fandom, a lot of those people went to Stray Kids fandom, and so, that’s when they started being like super obnoxious because it was bunch of people who only stanned Stray Kids out of spite for BTS. So, [as a result] they made everything about… BTS, and competing with BTS, and beating BTS. And like I said earlier, you can see that its groups like NCT and The Boyz, there’s a lot of groups where most of their fandom is consistent of ex-ARMYs. And you can tell, because like I said, they’re the ones who are constantly in BTS’ business; constantly bringing up old shit they know because they used to be in the fandom. Anyways. So, around then, that’s when they started getting really annoying, and kind of just from then on, as people left the ARMY fandom they gravitated towards those 3 specific fandoms in particular. However, Stays have just been…

J: Fucking unbearable.

N: Un-fucking-bearable. And I find, most times, they get loud because Stray Kids, or members of Stray Kids, do things that contradict that narrative they were trying to push in the beginning.

J: Like that literal audio of Chan that just dropped recently.

N: Yeahhhh.

J: Hilarious.

N: They’ve literally banked their boys’ entire appeal and allure off being better than BTS, and so when that shit doesn’t work…

J: when it comes back.. when the apple comes back to bite.

N: [laughs]

J: The granny-smith… [laughs]

N: [laughs] When the granny-smith apple comes back to bite they are at a lost for words. They don’t know what to do except for lash out at BTS and ARMYs, because for whatever reason in their head, its our fault for their new group not being better than BTS when its just like… ORRRRR if you had just moved on, and not stanned these groups solely out of spite for BTS, your whole relationship with this group wouldn’t be contingent on… BTS?!?

J: But it’s this vicious cycle. So, the groups themselves want to be just like BTS because they want the same success and they see that old BTS fans are coming to them so it just keeps going. So, the fans are old fans of BTS, the groups feed into that by doing content that BTS does like everyone suddenly doing In The Soops —

N: Yeah. And having their own universes…

J: They’ll feed into it, so then they’re getting more traction and more fame for doing shit that BTS does. And at some point, they aren’t even their own groups anymore. They’re BTS —

N: Thethereds.

J: It’s a lot like…

N: [makes a sad noise]

J: When everyone could just be themselves!

N: [laughs] When everyone could just be who you are!!

J: [starts singing] ~Be who you areeee~

N: [laughs] No, because actually I was about to say… what was I about to say… [snaps fingers] oh that’s what it was! I have tweeted about this before where these ex-ARMYs go and unstan, but then go and look for groups that just as similar as possible to BTS. So, its just like, you still want to stan.. you just don’t want to stan BTS; you still want the BTS experience just not BTS.

J: For whatever odd reason. And then for all that, they’re compromising music and personality, so they’re just losing all together. It sucks… for them.

N: [laughing] For them. Not for me though because I still stan BTS.

J: At the end of the day, this is how we feel about Stray Kids. This is the cycle we’re talking about that lead to this tweet.

N: OH! [snaps fingers] THAT”S WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!! About people like the mantis who are still here, the solos that are still here, and the people who just don’t wanna let go because they no longer resonate with BTS; its so meta because they want them to follow after these 4th generation boy groups who are… following after BTS.

J: Yes. They want them to chase their own tail. And BTS are like ‘I’m NOT doing that’>

N: [laughs] BTS said, ‘I’m not finna do that…?’.

J & N: [simultaneously] Do you know how stupid that sounds/is????

J: You want [BTS] to be like the new groups that are trying to be like me?????


J: Hmm…

N: Do you know how fucking meta that is? And people be dead serious.

J: You know what they want? They want BTS to be insecure.

N: Oop!

J: BTS have talked about it. This whole narrative of ‘You’re too old! Age out!’… and do what with that? Because if they do that then everyone that follows them is about to crumble as well.

N: They’ve built their entire fanbase, promotional experience, their entire being is based off of BTS so…

J: Anything after 3rd generation — there is no way all these groups don’t have BTS at th center of their work. Either they want BTS success; they want the same fandom interaction; they want to garner the same merchandise or the way they run the industry —

N: They’re content —

J: Everything is revolving around them. Nothing happens in a vacuum. There’s nothing going in that industry — no changes that are made, no retaliation that comes from companies like SM — all that is revolved around these seven men.

N: Also, how long are we going to pretend like these groups aren’t their tethereds? Not trying to be.. but they ARE BTS’ sons. We know this… we have eyes..

J: And they know this.

N: Thats the whole reason why you’re even drawn to them.

J: Is that not the same reason why all of them are suddenly like, ‘I want a grammy’… for what? For what? What did you do that was worth getting any type of — like WHAT DID YOU DO??

N: Be Korean.

J: [laughs]

N: Be in the Kpop music industry with BTS.

J: That’s a whole other conversation. Carats Im talking about you and your men.

N: Because how do you completely bypass a daesang to wanting a grammy?

J: Haven’t even gotten a Dapsang talking about, ‘we can get a grammy too’.

N: Like first of all… are you — I almost cussed. Are you out of your mind?

J: Theres a long list of artists that need to get Grammys and I’m telling you, you and your favs are not anywhere close to the top of that list.

N: No were close.

J: Im telling you its entitlement and envy because they don’t respect BTS. Thats why we’re seeing all this happening, that’s why people think its okay to talk out if turn; why your idols even THINK to say some stupid shit like that ever in their life. Because they don’t respect them —

N: Yup.

J: They don’t respect the work they’ve done, the path they’ve taken to get to this success, the amount of hits they’ve taken being the first ones to do it —

N: Yup. The turmoil they’ve gone through —

J: They dot respect that shit and they don’t believe that BTS worked hard for it and that is a hard pill to swallow. ANDDD that’s also why they’re not getting anywhere because they don’t believe BTS did anything to earn it, so they believe that they deserve to have it RIGHT NOW. And their stupid ass fans think the same thing.

N: which in itself is so weird to me, because most of them are ex-ARMYs so you know what BTS had to go through to get to whee they’re at, so why the hell do you think that now doesn’t apply to anybody else?

J: For me, a lot of this boils down to respect, and a lot of y’all need to learn some. Like seriously, the audaca — I’m stuttering this how mad I am! The AUDACITY for them to even talk out of turn when they already know what BTS has gone through and what BTS has done… to get to these places.. hmph.

N: Hmph.

J: A lot of y’all should have so fucking shame. And you don’t… but don’t worry that’s what we’re here for!

J & N: Shame! Shame! Shame! [laughs]

N: No, because — listen, I know ARMYs have had to be the bigger person; the people who are attracted to BTS, the people that they draw, are always the bigger person in situations like these — I get it. However —

J: It’s a new year. New resolutions.

N: It’s a new year, but like, in general, Ive always been the type of person who won’t allow bullshit to happen in front of me —

J: No matter what it is.

N: right, so, Ive taken it upon myself to bear the cross of being the Bearer of Bd News.

J: Listen, someone has to do it.

N: Because I don’t care how upset kpop Stans get, I don’t care how many times the try to run me off twitter or any platform, I don’t care. It’s going to be said regardless.

J: And you know what makes it worst? People believe that these behaviors exist solely online; they don’t. Remember? I worked at a kpop store. They’re like this in person. The same audacity, in a kpop store full of BTS merch, ‘cause they’re the only ones that sell, talking about, ‘Why don’t I see my favs? They’re just as good’. Are they? Are they selling? Because the same way you’re complaining, you’re not buying any thing of theirs…

N: Oop.

J: But, these behaviors happen in real life. Where Naya a lot of tis work online, I do a lot of this humbling offline. I just think the work needs to be done. We have created a nice team, you know? Two different spheres. But, the work is necessary! I feel a Jehovahs witness. [laughs]

N: A purple Jehovahs witness. No, because like, on twitter, I’l stay private and most of the time, ’ll give my commentary, but usually I just scroll past because some of it is just so ignorant it doesn’t need to be addressed. However, when there’s things that genuinely start to piss me off, like the Stray Kids thing that lead me to tweet what I twet —

J: [chuckles] Twet.

N: I meant, twote. What lead me to tweet what I twote. [laughs] I feel like sometimes ARMYs are just too nice, and they won’t just say what needs to be said. Some of it out of fear of not wanting to be dogsled, and I understand that, it’s not for everybody. But also, because they feel like there’s no need to stoop down to their level, but I don’t care about any of that. EYYYYYEEE am going to say what I’m going to say, I don’t care if you like it or not. And that’s exactly what happened. I think Jo has the tweet.

J: I do. Do you want me to read it off? Do the honors?

N: Yeah, go ahead.

J: “Twitter and collective hysteria has really convinced #them that these groups are more successful than they actually are and now they’re learning the hard way… so let me make it a harder pill to swallow: any newfound success any group has had in the last few years is an after effect of the success and popularity and hypervisibility bts has brought to kpop as a whole. it’s not bc they’ve gotten better it’s bc bts has been generous enough to give them their leftovers; leftover attention, leftover opportunities, leftover awards, and most importantly leftover fans, now turned into antis. please remember this moment of humiliation and despair the next time you forget that. god bless”.

N: Right. And now, Im remembering the context. It was MAMA and Stays had been for a month straight —

J: Trying to go against — oooohhhh…

N: Because they were up for a daesang, and they were like, ‘We’re winning in voting! We’re gonna beat BTS!’. Now mind you, they had also been antagonizing ARMYs for months because BTS hadn’t release an album in 2021, and only had a few singles, so obviously Stray Kids having constant comebacks, they would chart higher than BTS at some points during the year. And obviously, their imediate response is to make it about BTS. They were going on about how much Stray Kids were washing BTS, how much better they’ve gotten, and how they are on BTS’ ass, so on and so forth. Fast forward to MAMA end of the year award show, and I believe one of the awards was partially fan-voted, and they happened to be winning. Now, ARMYs. I kind of understand why we weren’t paying attention to the voting at that time —

J: Wasn’t it during the PTD-LA concerts and AMAs?

N: Yeah, it was.

J: So, we had other stuff —

N: Yeah, we had other stuff we were paying attention to. So, obviously they were ahead of us because that’s all they had going for them at that moment. So, because of that, they believe it was safe enough of a gap to start antagonizing ARMYs. They started being like, ‘We’re gonna take this from BTS. They’ll be the first group to get a daesang over BTS in so many years, etc.’. so, ARMYs were like… bump this. Not happening. Especially not some Stray Kids.

J: Especially if you’re just gonna use this as some marker to pretend like they’re better than BTS.

N: Or like BTS’ reign has come to an end or some shit. ARMYs started voting and Stays realized that they were not in the position to be talking the way they were talking so they tried to gather other kpop stans to help them vote. At the end of the day ARMYS won, but they were still like, ‘Well, there’s still judges votes and BTS aren’t going so it could go either way’ —

J: Can it?

N: [laughs] Well, the day came and though BTS wasn’t there,, that shit still went to them. And it was more than just that award as well because other kpop stans had been hoping that BTS’ absence would mean that other wards would go to other individuals and it did not go that way.

J: And this is a perfect example of that comment we made, I think in another episode, but just because BTS are absent, doesn’t suddenly mean your favs will be taking up that space. Ever.

N: And that is where I made that tweet because this was them learning the hard way. It doesn’t matter that BTS isn’t there; it doesn’t suddenly make your favs better, eligible, or comparable. And it is what it is.and they were obviously throwing fits. They were like, ‘This is so rigged!’. Mind you, MAMA, earlier in the year, made a public announcement that they were changing the way the votes went because they wanted it to be more fair. Kpop stans were throwing all types of parties. They said, ‘Finally! It’ll be about quality over quantity! Finally, real talent will win! Finally, finally!’. [snorts] And then the night came, and quality and real talent won. [chuckles] And they weren’t happy about that. But, that isn’t our, nor BTS’, problem. And that’s what I said. Now, I could’ve said it nicer, but I didn’t want to, because they don’t deserve nice. They deceiver to have their feelings hurt and to be told the truth. You are a leftover. That’s why you’re constantly in BTS’ face, constantly comparing everything your new favs do to BTS, you’re a leftover. Thats why we can go through your tweets and go to like 2019/2020 and see you under BTS’ posts. You’re a leftover it is what it is. But the girls were not happy about that at all.

J: I mean, I think first off, that happens with any group of people, no matter the subject, when they refuse to admit the truth. They’ll lash out immediately, and we’ve had that conversation a lot of times. Kpop stans… I’m not… generalizing or whatever —

N: [laughs]

J: A lot of them refuse to look in the mirror. Ever. The whole reason you left BTS is because you’re insecure and you don’t want to grow as a person, and you don’t want to be a better person. You hate the fact that they encourage you to do better and to do more because that’s a lot of work.

N: [repeatedly] oop!

J: so, you’re already like… that type pf person. Let’s start there. But to then, be told you’re that type pf person? That makes them very upset. And THEN, to have it in your face that no matter how much you pretend you’re not THAT person, when you are, and that’s why none of the things you aspire towards go right? I’m all about spirituality. I think it happens with everything, and attitudes go into everything that you do, and that’s why they didn’t win. They didn’t have the right attitude, and they didn’t want to.

N: Womp womp. And everything you just said is what I said in the second episode. I think it goes [proceeds to get the title incorrect].

J: Come on. We should trademark — let’s put that shit on a shirt.

N: [laughs]

J: You’re endeavors will never — and this is including the ones to get your favs to be BTS, are never going to work. Because you don’t have the good intention to tart with.

N: Your sole intention is just so you can beat someone else —

J: Oust someone else… who worked hard for that spot.

N: It’s not going to work.

J: Thats the thing. Wouldn’t you want your fav to want more for themselves to not even want to be BTS’ thethered? Don’t you want them to create their own paths?

N: Their own legacy?

J: That’s weird. Whatever. I’m not gonna go on a rant about the antis soul, but — I know it’s not that serious, but I do think about these things. I did have a comment, though, I wanted to address — because they couldn’t find anything wrong with your tweet, so once again, black kpop stans running to the front lines to use and weaponize their blackness to suddenly take Naya’s tweet out of context because she said ‘hypervisibility’… I just wanted to clear that up right now before anyone started some stupid shit. Like… hypervisibility, yes, is used in the context of blackness/black activism a lot, that’s not the definition of the word.

N: It definitely exists outside of that context. [laughs]

J: It literally meant to be more visible.. to be astutely visible.. like INCREDIBLY visible.

N: Thats literally it. But that what they do when they have nothing else to say.

J: they said DERAIL!

N: DERAIL! DEFLECT! [laugh] Thats what they do because they had nothing else to say to me. I think there was total of like.. 5K retweets, and 3K quote retweets or vice versa, either way there was a lot of fucking quote retweets. But throughout them, nobody could disagree with me. They kept saying how weird ARMYs where blah blah, but nobody was combating what I said. You’re a leftover. We know this. You know this. Like I said, that’s why we can go through your tweet back a few years and see you under BTS’ tweets saying, ‘Thank you for saving my life’. We can always do it, it never fails.

J: Bt also, one thing you’ll never do is call me or Naya stupid. We are entirely too smart for that. Like over a singular word? That’s supposed yo invalidate the entire — you wrote a PARAGRAPH and they picked out one word? Are they serious?

N: [laughs] It’s because they were looking for anything. Literally anything.And that’s why I didn’t even really entertain it. Like, you’re trying really hard right now, but it’s not going to work. I said what I said.

J: But, like it wasn’t even a valid concern. Like, it wasn’t even, ‘Hey, I found that harmful’… it was just straight to, ‘YOU’RE ANTI-BLACK!’ [laughs] Tone it down.

N: And if we want to dissect what I said, I didn’t lie. Leftover opportunities? There’s a reason why James Coren is the are MCountdown.

J: Come on! What is it.. Inkigayo!

N: There’s a reason they’re going to Kelly Clarkson. It’s because she couldn’t get BTS. Theres a reason they’re going to fucking Nick Cannon.

J: I was just looking at a tweet from TMIKpop, although I hate that account, they have some good statistics sometimes, but I bookmarked it in preparation for this. It was tweet that explained how a lot of kpop sales in general around the time of BTS releasing concert tickets — a lot of other kpop groups album sales — went up because fans were disgruntled for not getting tickets to PTD-LA. Is that not a direct link.. Because they couldn’t get tickets to the BTS concert, which half of them, who in real life pretend they don’t even like BTS, shouldn’t have even been trying for tickets, tried, couldn’t get them, and because they were upset, bought other groups’ merch and music.


J: Everyone say thank you BTS.

N: No like. THANK YOU BTS. There’s a reason why all these boys groups suddenly hitting million sellers this year.

J: There are multiple reasons.

N: For the million-sellers thing. It’s fans mass buying albums for photo cards. The bot thing would be if they had streams to match, but they don’t. Which is why BTS was the only boy group to end up on Hanteo and Gaon end of the year lists.

J: You see today they got like 400K+ streams [on Spotify] for the month of January 2022…. It’s been one day. [laughs]

N: It’s the first day and they got half a million streams are you serious. And one again, upwards success of any surrounding kpop group always coincides with a mass exodus of ARMYs. Tat doesn’t mean BTS didn’t get more fans, but there were people that left. We all saw what happened with PTD. We say the way n*ggas acted with PTD, we know exactly why a lot of people “unstanned” and “left” —

J: “Unstanned” just to try and get tickets to a PTD concert… right. I got a big bone to pick with the LA concerts… BUT! We’re gonna be positive tod — as if we’ve been positive up until now [laughs] We’re gonna be positive today!

N: No, I think that’s what our next episode is gonna be about.

J: Yes, let’s talk about LA.

N: Yeah, that whole LA trip. The whole PTD… all that.. hmmmmm. We got a bone to pick! (x3)

J: BUT! It was a wonderful experience overall! Just wanted to end with that because I feel like I’m so negative on here, I’m trying my best y’all. It’s not on purpose.

N: [laughs] I’m not trynna be negative I swearrrr. But anyways, leftover performances, leftover opportunities, what else did I say?

J: I don’t know.

N: Leftover concepts… But like [stammers] did I lie?! DID I LIEEEE???!! Like we said everyone wanna do their own universe and telling stories throughout all their music videos —

J: “Your my universe” [snorts] I remember literally watching that video [not referring to BTS’ song with Coldplay], getting 10 seconds in and being like, ‘No way’.

N: Perfect example of leftover concepts, what was that SuperM video that was like a mixture of BWL, Dynamite, and Spring Day?

J: They had the disco clothes on with like —

N: The washing machine of Spring Day —

J: Ridiculous.

N: Like we all know.. we all have eyes. Let’s stop playing ditzy. We can see and use common sense, and know that these groups are taking what’s leftover of BTS’ concepts. Like we know that.

J: You what’s also getting to me? That it’s ex-ARMYs who were here in 2015, so lets say you were a teenager when all of this started, we’re grown now.

N: We know you can use some deductive reasoning —

J: Like we have comprehensive skills, deductive reasoning skills —

N: We know that you know what’s going on here… you’re purposely playing obtuse to push a narrative and it’s not going to work. Especially, when your favs themselves constantly prove our point.

J: Also, pushing this narrative to new kpop stans knowing damn well —

N: They don’t have any true contextual understanding of why ARMYs are like.. this seems made familiar.

J: ‘Cause one thing I don’t like… is a liar.

N: A LIAR! Hmmmmmmm.

J: And neither does BTS. Hehe. Well that’s the rant.

N: I hope I answered the questions of the people who wanted me to talk about the leftover tweet. I’ve also been seeing people use it as a slur towards kpop stans like, ‘You leftover!’. [laughs] And I fully support it. Go ahead. Do what you gotta do, you know how I feel about it.

J: I just wanna say one disclaimer: if any Stays are listening, this is the only time we will be talking about you, We’re not going to give you anymore attention whatsoever, so I don’t even want to see that argument —

N: [laughs]

J: — like ‘We’re so important!’ No. You’re not. It’s just context. I needed to get some heat off, Naya needed to get some heat off, and that’s that. We’re not going to be talking about it any other time. So you don’t have to tune in for the next one. You’re good. Just letting you know so you don’t waste your time.


J: ARMYS! I love you.

[ambulance goes off in the background]

N: The ambulance in the background right now.

J: [laughs] Call an ambulance, but not for meeee.

N: [laughs]

J: I’m so sorry that’s probably someone actually in there — I’m so sorry that was so insensitive. I’m so sorry.

J & N: [laughs]

J: And that’s the end.

N: Yes, thank you for joining us for this episode. You’ll be getting another episode very soon, probably right after.

J: Back to back.

N: A double feature. Alrightly. Thank you!

J: Bye everyone!!!

N: Have a good New Year!!!

Aug 21, 2024

21 min read





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